We are excited to announce that we will be participating in the WestMED initiative event in Málaga, Spain.
Diversification in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector: Opportunities for the Blue Economy in the Western Mediterranean.
Throughout this event, co-organized with the Andalusian Maritime Marine Cluster (CMMA), important issues of diversification in the fishing and aquaculture sectors will be addressed.
- The various challenges that exist to develop diversification through excellent examples of initiatives and companies around the Mediterranean Sea basin
- Provide the event participants solutions on how they could diversify their activities and create new business opportunities, complementary sources of income while pursuing the goals of a sustainable Blue Economy
Representing AquaBioTech Group, Dr. Steven G. Prescott our Senior Aquaculture Consultant and Aquaculture Life Cycle Assessment, will be speaking about:
- BYTHOS (Biotechnologies for Human Health and Blue Growth) – is a project funded within the INTERREG V-A Italia-Malta framework by the European Community started in June 2018. The main objective of the project is to valorise aquaculture wastes (tuna offal) in biotechnology for human health and Blue Growth. Project
- PROFIUS – Addresses challenges in the supply chain related to lumpfish (roe and fish), tuna and herring side-streams by developing preservation solutions for maintaining quality and improving utilization of the entire biomass. Project
Save the date: 5th May 2022 | The Green Ray, Blvr. Louis Pasteur, 47, Malaga, Spain
For more information, see here
Dr. Steven G. Prescott | sgp@aquabt.com