ABT Innovia

ABT Innovia offers research services to support the development of vaccines, functional feeds, alternative protein sources, culture technologies and production techniques with a wide range of commercially important species under any combination of culture conditions in our fully licensed and bio-secure R&D facilities.

GMP Certified for biological testing for the safety and potency of aquaculture vaccines.

We have recently upgraded and expanded its wet lab facilities, which now includes a total of thirty-one (31) trial rooms or “Bays” with forty-eight (48) individual trial systems holding over 500 tanks, all utilising AquaBioTech Group‘s RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System) technology.

The wet labs at the facilities are divided into separate areas to ensure maximum biosecurity and client confidentiality. The bays are set up with holding tanks ranging in size from 10L to 1500L, with self-contained RAS providing high-level mechanical, chemical and biological filtration systems can use freshwater or saltwater with operational temperatures ranging from 8°C to 35°C. All bays have 24/7 monitoring system and veterinarians are available in-house.

Our services include testing of:
  • Novel and functional ingredients
  • Chemical residues in fish
  • Product safety and efficacy
  • New hatchery protocols
  • Live feed and enrichments
  • GMP certified batch release of aquatic vaccines
  • Vaccine duration of immunity
  • Vaccine and health products under development
  • Animal husbandry
  • Equipment technology

As an independent testing facility, ABT Innovia ensures experimental results of the highest integrity and quality whilst all enquiries received, project discussions and results generated are treated in the strictest confidence with no intellectual property (IP) retained by the facility.

If you would like to have a closer overview of ABT Innovia, watch video
We are pleased to announce our renewal certificate for Research Tax Credits as an approved R&D facility by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation for 2021 and 2022.