Conference Publications

A selection of recent publications developed in R&D and Innovation Projects. * Indicates authors who are AquaBioTech Group team members.

Conference Posters

  • Adrian Love*, Marina Maritati*, K. Wadhia. Strategic Investigative Drivers and Impacts Affecting Marine Environmental Developments. Presented at: SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting 5-9 May 2024 Sevilla, Spain
  • Adrian Love*, Marina Maritati*. Improving the Survival of Copepods in Ecotoxicology Trials. Presented at: SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting 5-9 May 2024 Sevilla, Spain
  • Marina Maritati*, Adrian Love*, Julia Urbano*, Natalie Panasiak*,  G. Hageskal, K. Thorshaug, I. Nardal, H. Wilson, J. Yang.  Development of green coating solutions for the problems of maritime corrosion and biofouling. Presented at: SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting 5-9 May 2024 Sevilla, Spain
  • Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Davide Sorella*, Jui-Che Chiang*, Natalie Panasiak*, Vasilis Valdramidis, Bruno ML Costa, Freya M. Robinson*. Testing the disinfection capacity of a hydro cavitation prototype in a recirculating aquaculture system and the effect on water quality parameters, and growth performance of European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax. Poster presented at: Aquaculture Europe; 2023 Sep 18-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, N. Prost, Jui-Che Chiang*, Natalie Panasiak*, Freya M. Robinson*, C. Jensen, L. Gasser, F. Le Gall, S. Budaev, Simona Paolacci*, Tamás Bardócz*. From RAS to SmartRAS – Feeding of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar based on behaviour. Poster presented at: Aquaculture Europe; 2023 Sep 18-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Jui-Che Chiang*, Natalie Panasiak*, Simona Paolacci* , A.D. Moltke Sorensen, C. Jacobsen, P. Dalgaard, L. Gasco, F. Gaid, Tamás Bardócz*. Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus thynnus side streams from maltese farms as potential raw ingredients for aquafeed. Poster presented at: Aquaculture Europe; 2023 Sep 18-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Thanasis Chantzaropoulos*, Dannie O’Brien*, Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Tamas Eisenbeck*, Jui-Che Chiang*, Michele Gallo*, Tamás Bardócz*, L. Paredes Barro. (2023, September 18-21). Collection and treatment of wastewater from recirculation aquaculture systems, with the scope of producing bio-based fertilisers. [Conference presentation]. Aquaculture Europe conference, Vienna, Austria.
  • Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Jui-Che Chiang*, Natalie Panasiak*, Freya M. Robinson*, Dannie O’Brien*, Tamás Bardócz*. (2023, September 18-21). iFishIENCi Feed and Feeding technology development in RAS. [Conference presentation]. Aquaculture Europe conference, Vienna, Austria.
  • Freya M. Robinson*, Thanasis Chantzaropoulos*, Davide Sorella*, Tamás Bardócz*, T. Atiye, M Setti, J Hoinkis. (2023, September 18-21). Aquaculture development in east Africa through the lens of two Europeans funded horizon projects Foodland and Praectice. [Conference presentation]. Aquaculture Europe conference, Vienna, Austria
  • Tamás Bardócz*, Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Jui-Che Chiang*, Natalie Panasiak*, Steven G. Prescott*, Florian Nagel, Sandra Balsells Claramunt, Dorinde Kleinegris, Simeon Deguara* INFLUENCE OF Microchloropsis gaditana EXTRACT SUPPLEMENTATION ON THE GROWTH, MORPHOLOGICAL, AND BODY QUALITY TRAITS OF ASIAN SEABASS Lates calcarifer AT TWO DIFFERENT SALINITIES. Aquaculture Europe 2022
  • Andrew Richardson, Maye Walraven, Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Simeon Deguara*. EFFECT OF PROTINOVA™ REPLACEMENT OF FISHMEAL IN THE DIETS ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF RAINBOW TROUT Oncorhynchus mykiss, AND SURVIVAL AFTER CHALLENGE WITH Aeromonas salmonicida AND Flavobacterium psychrophilum. World Aquaculture Singapore, 29 Nov-2Dec 2022. Link
  • Davide Sorella*, Robert Davies*, Iven Bonicci*, Hugo Ortega*, Jui-Che Chiang*, Yulei Zhang, Vasilis Valdramidis, Shane Hunter, Natalie Panasiak*, Bruno M.L. Costa, Freya M. Robinson*. HATCHERYMATCH: AN AUTOMATIC MARINE FISH HATCHERY WITH INNOVATIVE WATER RECIRCULATION TECHNOLOGIES. World Aquaculture Singapore, 29 Nov-2Dec 2022
  • William H. Nowell*, Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Jui-Che Chiang*, Natalie Panasiak*, Adrian C. Love*, Cristina Martinez-Garcia*, Michele Gallo*, Dannie O’Brien*. 2022, Influences of the design of various biocarriers on their performance in moving bed biofilm reactors in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), Poster presented at Aquaculture Europe, Rimini Italy, September 2022.
  • Jui-Che Chiang*, Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Natalie Panasiak*, Freya M. Robinson*, Tamás Bardócz*, Dannie O’Brien*, 2022, The effect of flowrate in recirculating aquaculture systems on water chemistry as it concerns feeding events of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Poster presented at Aquaculture Europe, Rimini Italy, September 2022.
  • Tamás Bardócz*, Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Jui-Che Chiang*, Natalie Panasiak*, Steven G. Prescott*, Florian Nagel, Sandra Balsells Claramunt, Dorinde Kleinegris, Simeon Deguara*, 2022, Influence of Microchloropsis gaditana extract supplementation on the growth, morphological, and body quality traits of Asian seabass Lates calcarifer at two different salinities, Book of Abstracts, European Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture Europe, Rimini Italy, September 2022.
  • J. Bonello, F. Lia , S. Ghio , Oriane Georges* , L. Schenke* , M. Beltri* , M. Russo and A. Schembri, 2022, Identifying microplastic hotspots around the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean): A preliminary overview. Micropol Conference, Santiago de Compostella, June 2022.
  • Inês C. Pimparel*, Caroline O. Nelson*, Severine Larroze*, Alesia Sushkova, Manon Wilhelm, Juan Yang, Monika Pilz, and João Tedim, 2022, Evaluation of the toxicity of corrosion sensing coatings lixiviates’ to marine microalgae and crustaceans, Poster, presented to the SETAC 32nd Annual meeting, Copenhagen, May 2022.
  • Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Tamás Bardócz*, Alexia Massa-Gallucci*, Simeon Deguara*, Iman Busuttil; Karl Cutajar, Maria Dolores Gambin, and Vincenzo Arizza, 2022, Impact of different inclusion levels of fish meals made from farmed bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) offal on growth and performance of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Poster, presented at the XX International symposium on fish nutrition and feeding towards precision fish nutrition and feeding, Sorento, June 2022.
  • Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Tamás Bardócz*, Simeon Deguara*, Steven G. Prescott*, Joseph De Prisco*, Florian Nagel, Dorinde M. M. Kleinegris, and Sandra Balsells Claramunt, 2022, Effect of dietary supplementation with a microalgae liquid extract on growth and performance of Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) at two different salinities. Poster, presented at the XX International symposium on fish nutrition and feeding towards precision fish nutrition and feeding, Sorento, June 2022.
  • Andrew Richardson, Maye Walraven, Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, and Simeon Deguara*, 2022, Effect of Protinovatm replacement of fishmeal in the diets on growth performance of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and survival after challenge with Aeromonas salmonicida and Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Poster, presented at the XX International symposium on fish nutrition and feeding towards precision fish nutrition and feeding, Sorento, June 2022.
  • Tamás Bardócz*, Freya M. Robinson*, Joseph De Prisco*, Dannie O’Brien*, and Michele Gallo*. (2021) SEA2LAND: Mediterranean industry case study on technology adaptation for the collection, concentration, and reuse of aquaculture waste streams for use in agriculture production, Poster presentation, Book of Abstracts of European Aquaculture Conference 2021, Madeira, Portugal, p110.
  • Oriane Georges*, Freya M. Robinson*, Tamás Bardócz*, Gordon Dalton, Kevin Leyne (2021) A multi-use offshore platform for clean energy aquaculture, Poster presentation, Book of Abstracts of European Aquaculture Conference 2021, Madeira, Portugal, p108. 
  • Freya Robinson*, Shane A. Hunter*, Kyra Hoevenaars*, Tamás Bardócz*, and Marco Setti (2021) FOODLAND: Aquaculture research to improve sustainable fish production in Africa, Poster presentation, Book of Abstracts of European Aquaculture Conference 2021, Madeira, Portugal, p584. 
  • Severine Larroze*, Ines C. Pimparel*, Tânia Teixeira*, Cristiana Gastão, Tânia Oliveira, Frederico Maia, João Tedim, Amadeu Soares, Susana Loureiro, Roberto Martins. (2019) Assessment of neurotoxicity and oxidative-stress markers in seabass exposed to emerging compounds, Poster presentation at SETAC Europe 2019, Helsinki. 
  • Inês C. Pimparel*, Tânia Teixeira*, Severine Larroze*, (2019) Development of a rapid agar-based algae growth inhibition screening test, Poster presentation at SETAC Europe 2019, Helsinki. 
  • Tamás Bardócz*, Marina Beltri*, Séverine Larroze*, Tânia Teixeira* and Manuela Maranhão (2018). Assessing biofouling growth on aquaculture nets. Poster presentation on Aquaculture Europe 2018 conference, 25-29 August 2018, Montpellier, France 


Conference Presentations

  • Paola Reale*, Franck Le Gall, Nicolas Prost, Christian Jensen, Natalie Panasiak*, Steven G. Prescott*, Samuel Dupont, Maxime Paris, Giovanni Marco Cusimano*, Jui-Che Chiang*, Shane A. Hunter*, Dannie O’Brien*, Marina Garcia, Andres Acosta, Dominique Durand, Lars Ebbesson, Tamás Bardócz*, 2022, RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS INNOVATION: THE NEED FOR SMART SOLUTIONS TO ADDRESS DIVERSE FUTURE PRODUCTION NEEDS, Oral Presentation, Book of Abstracts, World Aquaculture Singapore. Link
  • Franck Le Gall, Joseph De Prisco*, Steven G. Prescott*, Sergey Budaev, Lars Ebbesson and Ivar Rønnestad. ( 2021) Using digital twin for decision support in RAS feeding processes.  Oral presentation, Book of Abstracts of European Aquaculture Conference 2021, Madeira, Portugal, p692-693. 
  • Dannie O’Brien*, Steven G. Prescott*, Tamás Bardócz*, Freya Robinson*, Joseph De Prisco*, Yang Wang, Rhan Zhao, Wensheng Li. (2021) Innovative technologies for real-time monitoring and high-precision detection of water quality in recirculating aquaculture systems - AquaDetector Project.  Oral presentation, Book of Abstracts of European Aquaculture Conference 2021, Madeira, Portugal, p109. 
  • Steven G. Prescott*, Joseph De Prisco*, Ivar Rønnestad, Sergey Budaev,Natalie Panasiak*, Charlotte Dupont, Dimitri Trotignon, Dominique Durand, Lars Ebbesson, Franck Le Gall and Tamás Bardócz*. (2021) Improving rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss feeding efficiency using artificial intelligence: Video observation of behaviour and x-ray imaging of stomach fullness to support a model simulation of fish feeding (FISHMET). Oral presentation, Book of Abstracts of European Aquaculture Conference 2021, Madeira, Portugal, p1024-1025. 
  • Bardócz T. *, Lawrence G. H.*, Mantas G. D. *, Hunter S. A.*, Aguilar-Manjarrez J., Jansen H., Poelman M., Vandenburg S., Pletsas D., Callaway R., Masters I., Blanch M., Vanagt T., Campbell D.*, Dalton G. (2016): MARIBE: combined marine aquaculture and offshore energy investments for the blue economy, Oral presentation and conference paper on Offshore Energy and Storage Symposium 2016, Book of Papers. 
  • Tamás Bardócz*, Rachel Cox*, Karl Cutajar* and Alexia Massa-Gallucci* (2018) TAPAS Case Study: Nutrient retention of fish farm effluent and site assessment for the feasibility of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in Malta, Oral presentation on Aquaculture Europe 2018 conference, Montpellier, France.