Meeting of the iFishIENCi H2020 Project in Crete

On the 23rd and 24th of March, AquaBioTech Group R&D&I Director and coordinator of the iFishIENCi H2020 project on digitalisation and circularity innovation in Aquaculture Mr Tamás Bardócz travelled to Crete, Greece for the final in person technical meeting of the project. Hosted at Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR) AquaLabs in Crete these meetings featured extensive discussions of the completed and underway demos in the various operational sites. This was a great chance for our researchers to connect, workshop, problem solve and plan for our final public event of the project. Demonstration in Operational Environments (Workpackage 3) leader Freya Robinson and Responsible Research and Innovation, Dissemination and Capacity Building (Workpackage 6) leader Dannie O’Brien also represented AquaBioTech Group at the meeting. As well as meetings and workshops, participants enjoyed a site visit at the AquaLabs to see the algae production facilities, broodstock and nursery areas for Mediterranean species, and the public aquarium facility.


iFishIENCi is one of four sister projects under the Aquaculture 4.0 innovation action call where there is a focus on preparing the aquaculture industry for the a more digital and data rich future to support producer decision making, greater welfare, and higher sustainability and environmental outcomes. There are 16 partners involved from Norway, Greece, Germany, Hungary, Spain, France, and Denmark. As project coordinating organisation, AquaBioTech Group is very proud of the emerging project outcomes and our role in supporting this important forward movement in the aquaculture industry. More information is available on the iFishIENCi website.

The iFishIENCi project will conclude in July of 2023 with a comprehensive and interactive industry event to be held in to celebrate it’s conclusion. Thank you to HCMR for hosting us on this interesting and informative meeting and visit.