FoodLAND first in person third Annual Meeting

Last week on January 19th and 20th, the FoodLAND consortium met for the first time in Zanzibar Tanzania, for their third Annual Meeting.

Our representatives Freya Robinson and Thanasis Chantzaropoulos attended two full days of discussion, plenary and parallel sessions regarding the progress each partner has made so far in their respective country, innovations and results they have reached. Future activities within the FoodLAND framework have also been discussed and all partners have also underlined the value of meeting physically. On the agenda were various focused group activities and further discussion on the innovations that are being developed and tested in the partners countries and the upcoming validation activities within the Food Hubs.

Read more on the meeting in these articles (1) (2)


FoodLand has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862802. 

Thanks to Sokoine University of Agriculture for their warm welcome and organisation.

A new phase of the project is about to start so stay tuned!!


The consortium:


In this project AquaBioTech Group
  • Lead the  Aquaculture Working Group.
  • Research pan-African consumer preferences for fish products and develop new fish species and processing methods.
  • Lead the technological researchinnovation, and validation activities in green-water RAS technologies.

➡️ Know more about our involvement in this project.