FishEUTrust Consortium Meeting Florence Italy

Last week our AquaBioTech colleagues, RDI Project Manager Freya Robinson and RDI Project Assistant Stela Karovic, travelled to Florence, Italy for the two-day Annual Consortium meeting for the FishEUTrust project.

The project meeting kicked off with the host partner, Duccio Cavalieri from UNIFI opening with a welcome presentation, after which the coordinator, Nives Ogrinc from Jožef Stefan Institute gave a status update and the future visions of the project.  The day continued with numerous presentations from various partners tackling the different work packages, challenges and needs for further development.  The day wrapped up with a workshop for the development of the Co-Creation Living Labs: pilot contextual analysis where each of the Living Lab leaders presented the activities of their living lab, including ABTs Malta Living Lab leader Stela Karovic. The evening was followed by a networking dinner where they enjoyed Italian cuisine while creating stronger connections with project partners. 

The second day there was several interesting demonstrations of the current status and development of the technological tools including the development of a pathogen sensor which can detect common food spoilage bacteria. The meeting ended with a Science Café session where 4 topics were covered: Co-creation Living Labs, Technologies being created within the project, Data provision and Consumers. AquaBioTech Group Project Manager Freya Robinson facilitated a fruitful discussion about the development of the living labs and the next steps going forward. 

Overall, this two-day meeting was informative and highly productive, with a wealth of valuable insights and outcomes, we look forward to the next one! 

FishEUTrust will establish five Co-creation Living Labs in the Mediterranean Basin, the North Sea, and the Atlantic Sea. These will enable innovation and process validation and demonstrate the project’s supply chain solutions. Examples of supply-chain innovation include creating sustainable business models, protecting cultural and culinary heritage, short food supply chains, exploiting underused fish species, and innovative engagement activities to stimulate positive consumer behaviour. The project will also develop tools to maximize trust by guaranteeing the quality, safety, and traceability of seafood products based on smart control systems (sensors), metagenomics, genetic biomarkers, isotopic techniques, and labelling/product passport/blockchain). These tools will be integrated into a single digital FishEUTrust data platform.

Find more about the project