Latest Past Events

GBYP (Atlantic-wide research programme for Bluefin Tuna) Larval Indices Workshop

(Palermo, Italy)

We are pleased to announce that we have been invited to join the “Workshop on Atlantic bluefin tuna larval indices”, happening at LUMSA University Facilities in Palermo, Italy. The workshop is organised by the International Commission Conservation Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), and will be held at LUMSA University in Palermo, Sicily. Several researchers and experts will be […]

Salon Halieutis

(Agadir, Morocco)

We are excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at Salon Halieutis - The biennial international meeting of the fisheries sector, happening in Agadir, Morocco.  For the 6th edition of the Halieutis Fair focused on "Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture: levers for an inclusive and efficient Blue Economy" operators in the fishing, seafood processing and aquaculture […]

FishEUTrust Stakeholder Mapping and Living Lab Workshop

(Mosta, Malta)

In February we will be hosting a FishEUTrust Stakeholder Mapping and Living Lab Workshop at our facilities in Malta joined by the sister project Sea2See. Scheduled over two days: Presentations on 5 co-creation living labs Presentation of the project Stakeholder maps Updates and Synergies with other work packages (including consumer expectations and behavior, communication, dissemination […]