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MELoDIZER Kick-Off Meeting

30-Jan-23 - 31-Jan-23

We are glad to announce that we are part of the new Horizon Europe Programme Project MELoDIZER.

A hybrid kick-off meeting has been planned on the 30th -31st of January, with the 18 partners, in Torino, Italy. On the agenda two full days of introduction, presentations, and discussions about the different phases of the project. Representing AquaBioTech Group on this first meeting is our Aquaculture Consutlant Thanasis Chantzaropoulos.


What is MELoDIZER?

MEloDIZER implements high performance membranes and modules in strategic applications of Membrane distillation (MD), hence providing the decisive step for the success of MD. These core components are fabricated with a focus on feasible wide uptake and on sustainability, substituting harmful materials and protocols with >80% of benign solvents and relying on green chemistry principles. Both flat-sheets and innovative hollow-fibres are produced, striking the optimum between productivity and energy efficiency, as well minimising fouling/wetting phenomena, also by applying novel sacrificial coatings while membranes are in situ. Optimised modules are developed with a focus on hydrodynamics and energy recovery improvement.

These activities are strongly supported by sustained modelling tasks, conducted at different scales to (i) control the relationship between membrane properties and performance, (ii) customise module geometry and (iii) increase system efficiency and automation. The membranes and modules are thus rationally installed as core components of four MD prototypes spanning three orders of magnitude of productivity. Two protypes (2-5m3/day, 0.5-2m3/day) are demonstrated in industrial facilities (textile, beverage, chemical industry) to reuse wastewater (70-90%), thus reducing water footprint and approaching zero waste, as well as to recover valuable nutrients as secondary raw materials from aquaculture wastewater.


Our role in MEloDIZER

  • Participate in the valorization of waste streams and provide wastewater for use in demo sites to determine the possibility of nutrient recovery (targeting P & N).
  • Participate in the training on the use of the prototype filtration system.
  • Provide data for Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Cost Analysis, techno-economic assessment, business cases, market opportunities and regulation assessment.
  • Co-lead the training and capacity-building task.

More details on the MEloDIZER project coming soon, so stay tuned!!


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(Torino, Italy)