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Launching event of a pilot project in Tunisia’s aquaculture industry


We are excited to announce that we will be participating in the “Launching event of a pilot project in Tunisia’s aquaculture industry”

👤 Format: Hybrid Event

📍 Location: Monastir, Tunisia

📅 Date: 27 September 2022

During this Business-to-Business event, experts, organisations, SMART technology providers, local industry and other interested companies will exchange on eco-innovative technologies and operational best practices that can help advance resource-efficient production standards and improve the environmental performance of the Tunisian aquaculture sector. 

For this event, our representative Adrian G. Hartley working on the project, will deliver a presentation during the Technical session: “Implementation of the SMART technologies pilot project for the contribution to strengthening the sustainability of Aquaculture in Tunisia”, developing on the objectives, methodology and expected results and capitalisation of the project.

➡️ Register for the event

View the full event Agenda 

What is the project about 

AquaBioTech Group is collaborating with INSTM and CTA on the UNIDOSwitchMed II Project “Implementation of a Pilot Project to Demonstrate Sustainable Aquaculture Models in Tunisia”, to identify an effective combination of SMART technologies that will be implemented in an experimental trial in Tunisia to assess the potential for improved Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR). The trial will be supported by capacity building and knowledge transfer which will involve local in-field and online training sessions and a roadmap will be produced with recommendations for scaling up technologies with benefits at a national level. 

➡️ If you would like to schedule a meeting, send an email agh@aquabt.com

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Hope we can schedule a meeting!




(Monastir, Tunisia)