We are excited to announce that we will be attending the “InfoFish World Shrimp Trade Conference and Exhibition”, in Malaysia.
The 6th INFOFISH WORLD SHRIMP TRADE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION, the premier Global Shrimp Conference of its kind, will convene as hybrid conference (virtual and physical) for the first time at The Everly Putrajaya Hotel, Malaysia on 8-10 June 2022
The primary goals of SETAC Europe:
- A global overview of the farmed and wild caught shrimp sectors
- Current production and expansion plans in the major shrimp producing countries and regions
- A global overview of the major shrimp markets and trade flows
- Aquaculture innovations and technologies for sustainable intensification
- Digitalization of aquaculture for better productivity, superior monitoring, and greater transparency
- Advancing feed and nutrition, biosecurity and disease management
- Meeting COVID-19 challenges in the shrimp postharvest sector including processing and packaging
- Sustainability in action
- Recovery through partnership and investment
Read more about the event.
Meet Paola F. Reale our Business Development Executive Asia-Pacific, there.
Email: pfr@aquabt.com
Hope to see you there!