CIPROMED kick-off meeting

AquaBioTech Group attended CIPROMED (Circular and Inclusive utilisation of alternative PROteins in the MEDiterranean value chains) kick-off meeting that took place on June 5th and 6th in the beautiful city of Volos, Greece. The University of Thessaly is the coordinator for this innovative project that aims at increasing the stability and resilience of Mediterranean agri-food production systems. Cipromed will valorize proteins from locally generated agri-industrial side-streams. Insects and microalgae will be produced exploiting agri-industrial residues and extraction side-streams as substrates and applying innovative rearing and cultivation techniques to attain higher protein yields. To close the loop, insect frass will be used as soil fertilizer for legume (lupins and fava beans) production. High quality protein ingredients from agri-industrial residues, insects, legumes and microalgae will be extracted for food and feed applications via economically and environmentally sustainable extraction processes.

CIPROMED aims to reduce the risk for the Mediterranean countries of being dependent on imported protein sources and will help the participating countries to rely more on locally produced nutrient sources. As a partner of this project, AquaBioTech Group will test aquafeeds made with the novel sources of protein on seabass.

CIPROMED is a three-years project funded by PRIMA.

More details on the project here