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GBYP (Atlantic-wide research programme for Bluefin Tuna) Larval Indices Workshop

07-Feb-23 - 09-Feb-23

We are pleased to announce that we have been invited to join the “Workshop on Atlantic bluefin tuna larval indices”, happening at LUMSA University Facilities in Palermo, Italy.

The workshop is organised by the International Commission Conservation Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), and will be held at LUMSA University in Palermo, Sicily. Several researchers and experts will be at the workshop from institutes such as National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR),  and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) for the discussion.

The meeting will be divided into two phases.

  • The first phase will discuss the current state of the art on survey strategies, sampling methodologies and analyses of bluefin tuna larval indices.
  • The second phase of the meeting will be tackling a series of ongoing issues on the topic, standardizing present methodologies, and exploring the possibilities for implementing new BFT larval index surveys in data poor spawning areas.

Save the dates.

📆 7th – 9th of February 2023

📍 Palermo, Italy


Our Marine/Fisheries Consultant Justin Galea will be representing us during this workshop.

➡️ If you would like to get in touch | jug@aquabt.com




(Palermo, Italy)