In February we will be hosting a FishEUTrust Stakeholder Mapping and Living Lab Workshop at our facilities in Malta joined by the sister project Sea2See.
Scheduled over two days:
FishEUTrust will establish five Co-creation Living Labs in the Mediterranean Basin, the North Sea, and the Atlantic Sea. These will enable innovation and process validation to demonstrate the project’s supply chain solutions. Supply-chain innovation includes creating sustainable business models, protecting cultural and culinary heritage, short food supply chains, exploiting underused fish species. These innovative engagement activities aim to stimulate positive consumer behavior and the project will develop tools that maximize trust by guaranteeing the quality, safety, and traceability of seafood products, these tools are based on smart control systems (sensors), metagenomics, genetic biomarkers, isotopic techniques, and labelling/product passport/ blockchain solutions, integrated into a single digital FishEUTrust data platform.
Website coming soon >> but in the meantime read more here