iFishIENCi traineeship hosted by Hungarian Partners (MATE)

Continuing the collaboration initiative between iFishIENCi Project partner MATE Aquaculture Institute (part of the MATE University) Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem, and AquaBioTech Group for exchanging  knowledge about the next generation of aquaculture professionals, ABTG RDI team member Natalie Panasiak, was hosted at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Science’s Department of Environmental Toxicology (Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety) under the mentorship of Dr. Csenki-Bakos Zsolt and his colleagues.

She participated in an intensive two-week traineeship from the 12th-26th June, focussing on fish care and husbandry, species-specific facility maintenance and biosecurity, breeding selection and schedules, early life stage rearing, egg disinfection, microscopy staging and imaging, and dichlorination protocols for fish toxicological studies.

The rapid technology development and intensification of modern aquaculture necessitates integration of research, new innovations and learning, and the coupling of research innovations with educational programs in iFishIENCi helps to create candidates with optimal competencies for the future of the industry.


What is iFishIENCi?

iFishIENCi – Intelligent Fish Feeding through the Integration of Enabling technologies and the Circular principle

iFishIENCi is an EU Horizon 2020 project bringing together 16 partners in a transdisciplinary effort towards making genuine improvements to aquaculture management and practices. The overall goal of the iFishIENCi project is to provide new intelligent monitoring and feeding technologies to support ambitious but sustainable growth for the European aquaculture industry.