Let’s Talk Farming collaboration with AquaBioTech Group

We are glad to participate in the Let’s Talk Farming Programme organised this year

What is the project about?

The Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights (MAFA) in collaboration with the Ministry for Education, Sports, Youths, Research and Innovation (MEYR) is organising the first Let’s Talk Farming Programme, which is an initiative to promote farming and food production in primary schools.

What is its purpose?

The aim of this programme is to educate and increase awareness related to food systems. This subject covers numerous themes such as how food is produced, who produces it, the many jobs associated with farming, the role of farming in the upkeep of the countryside, the impact of climate on farming, and animal welfare. The programme will also look into the benefits of the responsible consumption of food and the need to limit food waste to generate a basic link between what we eat and our general health, together with the effect our food consumption may have on the environment.

The project will integrate the themes of food and farming with the curriculum areas of Maltese, English, Maths, Geography/Science and Creativity (Arts, Design, Drama). These in-house activities will be complemented with hands-on exposure to the food industry through educational outings to farms, other food-producing organisations/establishments and relevant government departments.

How is AquaBioTech Group actually involved in the project?

ABT was delighted to be asked by MAFA to be involved in the Project. We have supported educational initiatives such as Science in the City and Go4Research for many years, and this is a great opportunity to give context to the food we eat. As a registered provider, schools will invite ABT to come and talk about aquaculture production and the opportunities to farm the water in a sustainable and efficient way. We hope to be able to invite small groups to our facilities to demonstrate the processes of growing fish. The inaugural Let’s Talk Farming Programme will run throughout the 2022-23 academic year and is hoped to develop and broaden to include secondary and specialist schools.

Stay tuned for more activities coming soon.