Horizon 2020 Scheme – Best Technology Innovation Award: iFishIENCi AquaBioTech Limited

iFishIENCi is an EU Horizon 2020 project bringing together 16 partners in a transdisciplinary effort towrads making genuine improvements to aquaculture management and practices. The overall goal of the iFishIENCi project is to provide new intelligent monitoring and feeding technologies to support ambitious, but sustainable growth for the European aquaculture industry.

  • Integration of Artificial Intelligent (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for aquaculture production
  • Circular economy approach
  • Enhanced eco-efficiency
Objectives of iFishIENCi

The objectives of the iFishIENCi project is to create the following technologies and systems:

  • Fish-Talk-To-Me: a product enabling continuous, automated monitoring of fish behaviour, health, physiology and welfare. Fish-Talk-To-Me is a combination of technologies and data processing systems to be integrated with online monitoring systems
  • iBOSS: a flexible, open, ‘Biology Online Steering System’ monitoring all aspects of fish and their environment critical for healthy, sustainable farmed fish. It will maximise feed utilization and minimise environmental impacts through smart feeding
  • Smart RAS: develpment of a unique European research, innovation and piloting capacity, based upon Recirculating Aquaculture Systems fully equipped with iBOSS technology
  • Waste2Value: a set of streamlined value chain processes for optimal valorisation of waste biomass from different aquaculture production systems


AquaBioTech Group role in the project

AquaBioTech Group’s main tasks with the iFishIENCi project inlcudes:

  • Overall coordinator of iFishIENCi
  • Testing of new iBOSS and Fish-Talk-To-Me technology in commercial production systems
  • Leader of planning and design process for experiments and trials
  • Adaptation of new technologies to AquaBioTech Group’s Recirculation Aquaculture Systems containing different fish species
  • Life Cycle Assessment of novel feeds and commercial systems fitted with iFishIENCi technology
  • Use of Life Cycle Costing techniques to explore product cost-effectiveness
  • Communication and dissemination project activities and outcomes