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GFCM High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives

03-Oct-23 - 04-Oct-23

We are pleased to announce that we will be attending the GFCM High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives, happening in Malta

Five years away from reaching the targets set by the Malta MedFish4Ever Declaration, and in the wake of recent crises that have called for greater adaptation and need to boost progress, the GFCM High-level conference on MedFish4Ever initiatives: Transformative actions to address new challenges aims to take stock of advances and inspire reinforced ambition towards sustainable Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries and aquaculture.

Save the dates:

📆 3-4 October 2023

📍 Malta

More information on the conference here

The conference will open on 3 October 2023 with multidisciplinary panels exploring the challenges faced and potential solutions as we look to the future. These will be followed, on the second day, by a high-level segment where ministers and their representatives will announce how they intend to accelerate their commitments towards delivering on their sustainability pledges and defining the future outlook, means and opportunities for this important sector. Other events are also planned to be held in parallel with the conference.

Information on the different panels and agenda, here

