We are pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at Aquaculture Europe, happening in Vienna, Austria.
Aquaculture is the world’s most diverse farming practice in terms of number of species, farming methods, intensity level and environments used. Significant efforts have been made to promote species diversity since global aquaculture production is dominated by a few dozen species. The needs for responsible use of resources, improved efficiency and in-creased resilience against future challenges such as diseases and climate change require further diversification in aquaculture beyond species level.
Save the dates:
📆 18th – 21st September 2023
📍 Vienna, Austria
More information on the event here.
If you’d like to schedule a meeting with one of AquaBioTech Group’s representatives:
- Shane A. Hunter Chief Executive Officer | sah@aquabt.com
- Dr. Simona Paolacci R&D&I Project Coordinator | sip@aquabt.com
- William H. Nowell Business Development Executive | whn@aquabt.com
- Michele Gallo Head of Aquatic Research Facilities Design | mig@aquabt.com
- Davide Sorella Aquaculture Consultant | das@aquabt.com
Come and meet with us at Booth No. 84,85 and 86!!
On the agenda
Oral Presentations
- Michele Gallo will be doing a presentation on the SEA2LAND project “Collection and Treatment of Wastewater from Recirculation Aquaculture Systems, with the Scope of Producing Bio-Based Fertilizers”.
- Davide Sorella will be doing a presentation on the FoodLAND and PrAEctiCe projects “Aquaculture Developments in East Africa Through the Lens of Two European Funded Horizon Projects Foodland and PrAEctiCe”
- Dr. Simona Paolacci will be doing a presentation on the iFishIENCi project on “Feed and Feeding Technology Development in RAS”
- We will have 3 posters on the iFishIENCi project
- “Effect of Fishmeal Replacement with Single Cell Proteins (Candida sp., Nannochloropsis sp.) in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Osmoregulatory and Stress Responses”
- “Effect of Different Inclusion Rates of Yeast (Candida utilis) As Protein Source in Hybrid African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus x Heterobranchus longifilis) Stress Response and Lipid Metabolism”
- “From RAS to SMARTRAS – Feeding of Atlantic Salmon, (Salmo salar) Based on Behaviour”
- Posters for two of our Research, Development and Innovation projects
- HatcheryMatch “Testing the Disinfection Capacities of a Hydro Cavitation Prototype in a Recirculating Aquaculture System and the Effects on Water Quality Parameters and Growth Performance of European Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)“
- PROFIUS “Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus), Side Streams from Maltese Farms as Potential Raw Ingredients for AquaFeed”
We hope to see you around!