AquaBioTech Group’s monitoring system reaches East Africa through PrAEctiCe Project

AquaBioTech Group has recently completed the installation of three aquaculture monitoring systems in research facilities located in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, as part of the EU-Horizon PrAEctiCe project. John Mark Pallasegue and Thanasis Chantzaropoulos spent two weeks in Kisumu, Morogoro and Kajjansi installing sensors and innovative control cabinets, specifically designed for the conditions present in East Africa. The whole procedure, including design, procurement, test, transport, and installation lasted 6 months, and it was a joint effort of several project partners.


The designed system will be able to monitor and record a range of physico-chemical parameters 24hrs a day and warn the operators in case of alarming conditions inside the fish tanks. The recorded data will be also used to provide a decision support tool for the farmers and their Integrated Aqua-Agriculture farms. The monitoring systems were designed focusing on efficiency, reliability and endurance on time and the severe weather conditions of East Africa. At the same time, these systems are affordable and easy to be replicated.

During the installation and the training on its use, the people of Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (DALF), National Agricultural Research Organisation – NARO and Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania showed a high interest in the application of the systems for their importance in building efficient aquaculture systems.


In this project, AquaBioTech was also responsible for mapping farms that practice Integrated Aqua-Agriculture, which is already available for the public and can be found in the website of the project:

Moreover, AquaBioTech Group was also responsible for the procurement and assignment of the normal Photo-Voltaic installation from EquatorSolar in all three facilities as well as the floating Solar Panels from HelioRec in the research facility of SAT in Tanzania. Power efficiency and self-dependence is also one of this project’s objectives. Last but not least, our company was the primary aquaculture consultant of the project, assisting our partners with their aquaculture practice designs.

For more information in the PrAEctiCe project please visit its website:

A huge thank you to all our partners for their warm hospitality and assistance!

Asante sana!