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BCTHubs Kick-Off Meeting


We are pleased to announce that we will be attending the BCTHubs Kick-off meeting, happening in Larissa, Greece.

AquaBioTech Group, represented by our R&D&I Project Coordinator Ines Boujmil, is excited to be part and attend the official Kick-off meeting of the New Horizon Europe project BCTHubs, that will take place on February 7th.The meeting agenda will be from 09.30 – 17.30.

➡️ The meeting agenda will be communicated soon. In the meantime, what is BCTHubs?

BCThubs (Blue Culture Technologies) is a new field introduced in this project and relates to innovative technologies developed to support the Underwater Cultural Heritage (UWCH). UWCH consists of millions of shipwrecks, aircrafts, submerged settlements and ports lying in oceans. 3 million shipwrecks are hosted at ocean floors worldwide, providing evidence of humanities past. There is still unknown scientific knowledge and untapped potential since only 19% of the ocean is explored. BCThubs will directly have impact on different European strategies defining a state-of-the-art approach to support the UWCH.

The new Horizon Europe BCTHubs project aims to build in the participating Widening countries (i.e. Greece, Bulgaria and Malta), Blue Culture Technology Excellence Hubs, as permanent structures, supporting with new innovative solutions and products, the sustainable protection, restoration, valorisation, management, accessibility and promotion of UWCH.

AquaBioTech’s Role in the BCThubs project will be:

  • Detailed mapping of the existing quadruple helix stakeholders
  • Developing the Maltese hub ecosystem
  • Upskilling stakeholders of each hub on aspects related to BCT
  • Networking through participation in common events
  • Joint investment strategy and financing plans
  • Sustainability analysis

Stay tuned! More news coming soon




(Larissa, Greece)