Regional Exchange Information System

We are pleased to announce the launch of the REIS (Regional Exchange Information System) by the Soclimpact Project – a platform that offers a support tool for adaptation strategies to climate change in islands, an expert panel, and a networking area.


One of the major milestones of the project is the access to quality information on climate impacts and their economic consequences on the main sectors of the blue economy of 12 European islands, as well as alternative adaptation pathways, to stakeholders (especially the main actors responsible for the ecological transition of the islands).


The aim of the Adaptation Support Tool is to assist policy makers and coordinators on the regional and national levels in designing tailored climate change adaptation strategies and plans for their islands. The Adaptation Support Tool was developed as a practical guidance to understand Climate Change impacts on Islands (physical, market and non-market effects), as well as the macroeconomic implications of these changes on islands and Europe’s economic systems.
It works as a compass where we choose three coordinates following this order:

  1. Archipelago/Island
  2. Sector and
  3. Hazard.
To find out more, click here